This is inspiring for the students and maths enthusiasts to know that 14th March (3/14) is celebrated globally as Pi Day. This year Ganit Charcha in association with KIFSA ( is going to celebrate Pi Day by launching 'Doodle For Pi' competition for students of Class VI to X residing in India. The details of the competition is given below.
Theme of the Competition : Falunt your mathematics imagination and create a 'Doodle for Pi'. You can consider any topic of mathematics, or anything related to mathematics and do not require to limit yourself to the number Pi only. Parents are required to mail us the following information along with the Doodle in either .png or .jpg format. Doodles will be judged based on the art work and also on the basis of written description. The email requires to be sent to
Only students of Class VI to X (in the academic year 2018 - 2019) residing in India are eligible to apply.
Doodle can be sent between 18th February, 2019 12 Noon IST to 12th March, 2019 12 Noon IST. Result will be announced on 14th March, 2019 after 6 PM IST.
Awards: The first three winners will be awarded Amazon Gift Voucher of INR 1000, INR 800 and INR 700 respectively. First 10 selected Doodles will be compiled in a post and will be published in Ganit Charcha website with names of its creators by 14th of April, 2019.
In all cases, decision of the organizing committee is final.
How to Enter Into The Competition : Along with the Doodle semd the following information via email.
1. Title of the Doodle
2. Description of the Doodle (Description is strictly limited to maximum of 60 words)
3. Student's Name
4. Parent's/Gurdian's Name
5. Class
6. School Name
7. Residing Address
8. City
9. Postal Code
10. School Address
11. Email
12. Phone Number